Sage Mountain  Climbers Campout 2024

Requirements to participate:

-Must be 18 or older

-Bring your own:

   1. Bring your own camping equipment

   2. Climbing equipment if you have it. 

   3. Bring a Yoga Matt if you have one

Buy your ticket here! 

General Information

Join us for our third annual Sage Mountain Campout. Sage is one of the few sandstone featured climbing areas with over 30 routes and 60 boulder problems.  There are both sport routes and easy to set up top ropes for those that do not lead climb. More information can be found on Mountain Project. The competition this year will give climbers a chance to win a climbing rope or several other prizes. 

There will be additional activities as well such as our epic Climber Celebration Saturday night,  Crashpad Discus, outdoor clinics, Sunday Morning Yoga, a raffle, a slackline to practice on, and a brand new disc golf course.  

Vendors -Please reach out to us if you are interested in setting up a table or scheduling an activity


Camp where ever you please! if you wish to car camp in the parking lot, find a secluded place in the woods,  orjoin us up at the cave.

This year, IF you have 4 wheel drive (we will need proof!), we're allowing car camping peak access!! ***no through traffic after 3pm Saturday - noon Sunday***

Saturday Night Climber Celebration!!

 It's time to celebrate Missouri Climbing and to announce this year's Sandstone Champion! BYOB, we'll have music, Crashpad Discus provided by Upper Limits, Swords & Shields you can test your LARP skills against your friends, slackline, Mario Kart, and we'll announce raffle winners!

Climbing Competition

Climb the most routes/problems

Point Scale:

        x0.5 Points for finishing a route with a fall

        full points per completed route /boulder without falling. 

     x1.5  additional point if you lead a route without falling.


1st place

70m 9.5 Mammut Classic Crag Rope, EMCA T-shirt, and Sage Season pass (valid through Spring 2025)

2nd place

Trango Squid Head (Stick Clip Head) + EMCA T-shirt

3rd place

10 oz bag of Friction labs chunky chalk

Buy your ticket here! 

Schedule (will change as we add more events):

Saturday, Oct 26th

9:30            Check-in/Competition Starts

Noon - 1   Lunch  - $5 Walking Tacos or Brat/Burger w/ chips

2-4              Assisted Top Roping w/ EMCA

6                   Competition Ends

6-7              CrashPad Discus with Upper Limits

                      Swords & Shields w/ EMCA

7                  Competition Winners Announced

                     Raffle Winners Announced

7-8              Night Boulder Session w EMCA

7-9               Dinner       

9-11            BYOB Climber Celebration & Bonfire

Sunday, Oct 27th

8 - 9             Breakfast

9 - 10          Instructed Yoga by Ashley Campise

10-11         Nope Rope Clinic (snakes!)     

11-Noon  Climber Clinic

Noon - 1   Lunch  - $5 Walking Tacos or Brat/Burger w/ chips

1-2              Tie Dye T-shirt Station ($5 shirts)